

Founded By: Piano Sviluppo e Coesione (PSC) Regione Veneto – FSC 2014-2020

Start date: 1 Feb. 2022          End date: 30 Aug. 2024

Partners: Compagnia Teatrale Fo Rame (C.T.F.R. S.r.l.), Human Ispired Technology (HIT) Research Centre (University of Padova), Digital Green Jobs, TV7 Triveneta, Abitat SIT, Negroponte LAB

Sponsor: Digital Green Jobs of Human Inspired Technology (HIT) Research Centre (University of Padova)

HTLab Involved People: Leonardo Pierobon, Alice Bettelli, Luigi Porto, Luciano Gamberini

The “FOrever” project aims to share, enhance, and make accessible the artistic heritage related to Dario Fo. Through Immersive Virtual Reality, this vast archive can be revitalized, transcending the conventional museum setup, and becoming an innovative means of disseminating and experiencing cultural heritage, accessible to all. Using these technologies, users will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in a virtual world inspired by the works of Dario Fo, combining various artistic representations, such as 2D images, 3D elements, audio, and video. All these art forms will blend harmoniously, creating an emotionally engaging layout born from the encounter between the spectator and the artist’s imagination and genius. Virtual reality will be used to create a versatile environment where people can walk among Dario Fo’s works and interact with them. This will provide users with a unique and unrepeatable interactive experience. The project’s layout will take inspiration from the idea of embarking on a journey into the imaginative world of Dario Fo, delving into the settings of his works, accompanied by characters born from his creativity, who will serve as guides for the visitors, exploring a universe of fantastic visions.

The collaboration for this project involves the Human Inspired Technology (HIT) Research Center and the “Fo Rame” Theatre Company, led by Jacopo Fo, an artist, writer, and director, and son of Dario Fo and Franca Rame. Our joint goal is to define the editorial direction of this emotional journey, selecting from the Fo Rame archive a curated collection of works that not only represent the vast heritage in the archive, but also serve as major points of interaction to create an engaging narrative to depict the multidimensional aspect of this artist’s work. The story of Dario Fo’s artistic and cultural heritage, as an author who explored numerous forms of art and expression during his life, will be told through an innovative scenario that merges diverse art forms, integrating various dimensions and technologies into a single world, expressing the eclectic and multidimensional mind of this artist.

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