Founded By: European Union – Health Program
Start date: 1 Jan. 2011 End date: 31 Dec. 2013
Grant: € 1.500.149
HTLab Involved People: Luciano Gamberini, Anna Spagnolli, Luca Zamboni
The Nightlife Empowerment and Well-being implementation project (NEW IP) deals with some new challenges met by attempts to reduce harm from synthetic drugs and promote health among partygoers. These new challenges are created by the high mobility of partygoers’ (party tourism), by specific youth cultures and trends in drug usage, by the weakness of the nightlife community and the poor geographical coverage of existing interventions in Europe. NEWIP is carried out by community-based NGOs, the cities involved in the Basics network and the DC&D Safer Nightlife Platform. The project tries to offer improved, innovative field interventions that take into account the specific needs of drug users, their cultural background and age. Its core strategy is to design recreational environments fitting the partygoers’ mobility and culture that are also able to trigger awareness and behavioral change. It also tries to empower communities by involving local authorities, NGOs and nightlife professionals shown to as many European countries as possible and by integrating the plethora of guidelines, standards and regulations currently developed at a national level.
Finally, in compliance with the European Union Drug Action Plan (2009-2012), the project contributes to improve citizens’ health security through the Trans European Drug Information (TEDI) early warning system; to promote health through actions on health determinants (alcohol and drug consumption) as well as environmental determinants (safer party settings); and to engender and disseminate health information and knowledge (e.g., TEDI trends reports, new media productions, training seminars, dissemination conferences). Two categories of people are targeted by the project: young partygoers (16 to 30 years old), synthetic drug users and potential drug users on the one side; stakeholder of the nightlife (such as field operators, nightlife professionals, local and regional authorities, scientific communities, NGOs and local authorities from new members of the European Union) on the other side. The output of the project will be NEWIP Standards, Information leaflets for partygoers, a guideline for safer music festivals, a Party+ Guideline, various communication tools including specific Websites, the TEDI database and trends reports, annual Trainings, Emerging Media contents, reports and evaluation results.
Gamberini, L., Spagnolli, A., Zamboni, L. (2011) “New Technologies for prevention and harm reduction” Abstract presented at “New strategies to promote health in nightlife venues” Safer Nightlife Conference May 20, Bologna IT.
Gamberini, L., Zamboni, L., Privitera, A. G., De Giuli, G., Villa, C., & Spagnolli, A. (2013). Designing a Serious Game For In-Field Interventions To Promote Nightlife Well-Being. Annual Review of Cybertherapy and Telemedicine, 70-74.
Gamberini, L., Zamboni, L., De Giuli, G., Villa C., Monarca, V., Privitera, A., & Spagnolli, A. (2013). Serious game in social intervention. “What the dope”: effectiveness of a serious game for safernightlife. In Proceeding of “NIGHTS2013: Health, Pleasure and Communities”, (71-73), Padova: Cleup. ISBN 978-88-6787-107-7.
Pirotto, G., Gamberini, L., De Giuli, G., Zamboni, L., Monarca V., Villa C. & Spagnolli A. (2013). Never too late…for prevention! Interviewing partygoers on night interventions for risk prevention. In Proceeding of “NIGHTS2013: Health, Pleasure and Communities”, (98-100), Padova: Cleup. ISBN 978-88-6787-107-7.
Zamboni L., Villa C., Monarca V., Tion I., & Salanitri D. (2013). Interventions around Europe: The NEWIP pictures collection (2011-2013). (2013). In Proceeding of “NIGHTS2013: Health, Pleasure and Communities”, (135-140), Padova: Cleup. ISBN 978-88-6787-107-7.
Cipolletta, S., Spagnolli, A., Gamberini, L., & Zamboni, L. (2012). Using a videogame to enter another world: An exemple of a constructivist approach to health promotion. In Raising Constructivist Voices: anticipating 21st century challenges.
Gamberini, L., Zamboni, L., Privitera, A., De Giuli, G., Spagnolli, A. (2012). How to address a challenging audience: the highly participative design of a serious game about nightlife risks. Abstract and poster accepted to Cybertherapy 2012, Bruxelles.
Gamberini, L., Spagnolli, A., Zamboni, L. (2011). “Nightlife Empowerment and Well-being Implementation Project”. Poster accepted at the European Night of the Research, Padova 2011
Gamberini, L., Spagnolli, A., Zamboni, L. Privitera, A. (2011). Emerging media for nightlife interventions. Abstract presented at Club Health Conference, December 12-14, Prague, Czech Republic.
Zamboni, L., Gamberini, L., Spagnolli, A., De Giuli, G. (2011). Serious Game for Drug Prevention. Abstract presented at Games And Creativity in Education and Training – GACET 2011, November 17-18, Rome, Italy.