Gianluca Schiavo
Supervisor: Luciano Gamberini
Graduate student: Gianluca Schiavo
Questionnaire data in-dicate that users prefer to use automatic rotations gesture during loosely coupled task even if the gesture required some training in order to use it effectively. Automatically o-rientating information allows ease of reading and speed of interaction, especially during loosely coupling work, but it limits the use of orientation as a collaborative and commu-nicative tool. In fact, the study suggest that the automatic rotation technique is not suita-ble for tightly collaborative work. The results show that automatic rotations lead to worse performance and increase completion time compared to the tightly coupled task without automatic rotations. In addition, questionnaire data indicate lower users’ ratings compa-red to the other conditions. Video analysis shows that in a collaborative setting, an au-tomatic straight-on orientation aligned with the user’s arm is not always desired and it can hinder the interaction. The study contribute to the future development and asses-sment of this new automatic rotation gesture.