Founded By: POR FESR 2014-2020, DGR 1139-2017
Start date: 15 Nov. 2017 End date: 14 Nov. 2020
Grant: € 3.490.953,57
Partners: Human Inspired Technology (HIT) Research Centre (University pf Padova), Department of Agronomy, Food, Natural resources, Animals and Environment PIRON, ORVED, Coldline, Simnumerica, Panificio Zorzi
HTLab Involved People: Luciano Gamberini, Valeria Orso, Gabriella Francesca Amalia Pernice
The SIAF project had the overall objective to create an advanced system capable to connect different professional machines, i.e., oven, blast chiller and vacuum packing machines, involved in food processing. More specifically, the networked system enables innovative methods for the predictive maintenance of machines and the integration of optimized processes for food preparation and preservation. The advanced prototypes of machines, that have been implemented within the project, are capable to send and exchange operating data in Cloud, according to a specific protocol that has been defined within the project. The different stakeholders involved (i.e., chefs, technicians) have access to such information using a mobile app, the SIAF app.
In addition, the app allows remote control of the different machines involved and features a ‘Virtual Chef’ that is an interactive digital recipe repository that the chef can integrate and enrich with their own recipes.
All of the interfaces embedded in the machines and the SIAF app interface comply with the latest standards of usability and they all have been designed in a human-centric design approach. Moreover, all the prototypes developed have been evaluated by target users in a realistic setting in several rounds of testing, to ensure high levels of acceptability by professional workers.
SIAF project has been carried out by a trans-disciplinary consortium including both industrial and academic partners.
Orso, V., Verì, D., Minato, R., Sperduti, A., & Gamberini, L. (2021). Are Professional Kitchens Ready for Dummies? A Comparative Usability Evaluation Between Expert and Non-expert Users. In Human-Computer Interaction. Design and User Experience Case Studies: Thematic Area, HCI 2021, Held as Part of the 23rd HCI International Conference, HCII 2021, Virtual Event, July 24–29, 2021, Proceedings, Part III 23 (pp. 418-428). Springer International Publishing.
Orso, V., Sperduti, A., & Gamberini, L. (2019, June). Integrating kitchen appliances to improve food quality and sustainability: the SIAF project. In Proceedings of the 12th ACM International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments (pp. 311-312).
D’Orazio, R., Tommasin, D., Babolin, P., Bagante, A., Gamberini, L., Orso, V., … & Navarin, N. (2019). Smart integration of appliances for food processing. In ISPIM Conference Proceedings (pp. 1-5). The International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM).