The DARE project (DigitAl lifelong pRevEntion) is a wide-ranging initiative financed by the Complementary National Plan that integrates the contents of the Italian National Recovery and Resilience Plan. The aim of the project is to create and develop a connected an distributed knowledge community for digital preventive healthcare…
GRANT: € 124.000.000 | DURATION: 2022/2026
PatchAI is an application based on Artificial Intelligence (AI), using a conversational robot (bot), which helps patients maintain the constancy needed to complete their treatments or clinical studies. The project is meant to improve and develop further the user interfaces, its interaction features…
GRANT: € 70.000 | DURATION: 2020/2021
The SeniorChannel aimed to integrated innovative technologies and high added value content in order to address the specific social needs of the elderly in the wider community. The project developed an Interactive Internet Protocol Television Channel, offering elderly individuals a unique platform for interaction and access to a diverse range of community activities…
GRANT: € 4.336.084 | DURATION: 2012/2015
The Nightlife Empowerment and Well-being implementation project (NEW IP) deals with some new challenges met by attempts to reduce harm from synthetic drugs and promote health among partygoers. These new challenges are created by the high mobility of partygoers’ (party tourism), by specific youth cultures and trends in drug usage…
GRANT: € 1.500.149 | DURATION: 2011/2013
The Democracy cities and Drugs Project II (DC&D II) started in May 1st (2008-2010). The project is based on the results that emerged from the first DC&D I project (2005-2007). This project had the main goal of helping EU cities in developing local and partnership based drug policies and practices involving the relevant stakeholders…
GRANT: € ——- | DURATION: 2008/2010
The Eldergames Project (Development of high therapeutic value IST-based games for monitoring and improving the quality of life of Elderly People) originates from the consideration that aging involves many natural changes for old people, from a physical, cognitive and social point of view…
GRANT: € 1.791.709 | DURATION: 2006/2009
The main goal of EMMA (Engaging Media for Mental Health Applications) project is to study the relationships between presence and emotions. In particular, after analyzing the possible emotional impact of high compelling synthetic experiences characterized by an high level of presence…
GRANT: € 2.164.125 | DURATION: 2002/2005
VEPSY is a European-Union funded research project for Telemedicine and Portable Virtual Environments for Clinical Psychology. Officially started on the 1st January 2001, VEPSY-updated will involve partners from an international network of academic institutions and industrial companies. The main goal of the project is to prove the technical and clinical viability…